New equation library item with built-in mathematical expression editor, project-wide character analyzer, and more in HelpNDoc 8.Bridging the Gap Between Teachers and Students: Harnessing the Power of Help-Authoring Tools for Engaging Content Creation.The Future of Documentation: How Help Authoring Tools are Empowering Technical Writers and Organizations.Empowering Technical Writers: Harnessing HelpNDoc's Override Features for Unlimited Documentation Variations.Mastering Multi-Channel Publishing: Why HelpNDoc Leaves WordPress in the Dust.Download your free copy now to test it for yourself.

Thanks to HelpNDoc’s flexible user interface, technical writers can customize their working area to focus on what is the most important: writing the most meaningful content. Other great apps like Help+Manual are HelpNDoc, WinCHM, Vole Media CHM Free Edition and KEL CHM Creator. The best alternative is Sonat, which is free.
Note: for older HelpNDoc 5 versions, the command line is C:\Program Files (x86)\IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /reset or C:\Program Files\IBE Software\HelpNDoc 5\hnd5.exe /reset. There are more than 10 alternatives to Help+Manual for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Online / Web-based,, SaaS and The Portable Freeware Collection. Usually it is C:\Program Files (x86)\IBE Software\HelpNDoc 6\hnd6.exe -reset or C:\Program Files\IBE Software\HelpNDoc 6\hnd6.exe -reset