Both of these are risky, however, as they can lead to your demise easily, by sprinting straight into a swarm or soaring into an enemy that has adjusted its flight path to cut you off. Jump Physics: Bunnyhopping allows you to gain a burst of speed and outmaneuver foes, while shooting a shotgun blast at the floor and jumping allows you to soar above enemies.Gorn: By the time you're done, the floor will be coated in blood.Genre Throwback: The game is a huge throwback to 1990's first-person shooters and borrows some meta-gameplay elements from the genre such bunny hopping and rocket (or rather, shotgun dagger) jumping, and to top-down arcade shooters with gameplay inspired by games like Geometry Wars and Robotron: 2084 but in a first-person perspective.A training ground spawnset was also made for new players to familiarize themselves with the game's mechanics without worrying about a swarm of skeletal monsters breathing down their necks. Game Mod: Fans were able modify how the game spawns mobs, and with that created their own spawnsets and manipulate how the arena shrinks (if at all).If the player makes it far enough, they can also fire off homing daggers as well. Flechette Storm: The player can fire a concentrated barrage of daggers or in a shotgun-like burst.It isn't pretty looking, that's for certain, though the game continues after it is defeated. Final Boss: At approximately 350 seconds, The Leviathan spawns.To balance this, stuff spawns faster and the arena gradually gets smaller.

Early Game Hell: While never easy, per say, waves become easier to deal with when you level up as your increased damage allows your to kill spawners and clear hordes of chaser skulls quicker.Degraded Boss: Multiple spiders spawn at the same time later in the game.The first few enemies are just floating skulls, but later a ginormous spider with a skull for a body spawns. Each enemy type has a unique "slain by" message on the scoreboard that implies this - decapitated and eviscerated are the most pleasant deaths. Body Horror: Whatever happened to your hand to allow it to shoot daggers really messed it up - it appears to be causing your blood to boil and your flesh to melt away.While not too strong, it's capable of defending against your shots making it tough to take down if you get overwhelmed. One of the "boss" type enemies is giant spider Mook Maker that sucks in crystals to power itself up.The Centipede enemies and their high-level variants are massive in size.

Artificial Brilliance: The monsters are downright devious in their ability to track you, and the spiders are good at timing your shots to block them.A fansite can be found here where players can view leaderboards, a bestiary of the game's enemies, and share community made spawnsets of the game.

The game also boasts a minimalist design - very little is directly communicated through the player through words, leading the player to figure out how to do everything on their own and what anything in the game actually means. It is an arena shooter that is built for multiple repeated playthroughs and is a send-up to classic 90's shooters like Quake and Doom. There's no story, minimal HUD, and no tutorial - the only thing that will keep you alive is your own skills and ingenuity - and even then, that will only get you so far until the monsters overwhelm you.ĭevil Daggers is available on Steam here for about $5, developed by one of the members of HITBOX Team, known for their work on Dustforce. However, you are, quite literally, armed, with your hand able to shoot out a stream of piercing daggers that appear to be made from your blood in a machine gun-like stream or shotgun-like burst. Surviving, however, is difficult when you have a legion of flesh-hungry eldritch monstrosities tracing your every step. In 2016's Devil Daggers, you have one goal: live as long as you possibly can.