“We brought Chris back for another face-to-face training with ISD representatives,” he remarked. Joe thinks the face-to-face engagement, along with the support he received from QM and its K-12 team, helped immensely in getting organizational buy-in. “It was a great experience and allowed many people to get firsthand experience with what QM is and does.” “We wanted to offer educators an opportunity to vet QM, for them to get a better understanding of the way QM thinks and talks about online course quality and how it aligns with MVU’s perspectives on these same topics,” Joe said. In an effort to aid in transitioning Michigan’s online and blended educators and their districts to the QM process and its implementation in advance of the statewide course access setup and rollout, MVU brought Christine Voelker, Director, QM’s K-12 Program, to Michigan to conduct the K-12 APP face-to-face. “We currently have multiple ISDs whose staff are receiving training and we plan to continue the project in subsequent school years.”
#Michigan virtual professional
“We want to provide both the K-12 Applying the QM Secondary Rubric (K-12 APP) and K-12 Reviewer Course (K-12 RC) and, potentially, other professional development opportunities to at least one person in each of Michigan’s 56 ISDs,” Joe said. MVU began working with QM to create a subscription model for Intermediate School Districts (ISDs) in Michigan.

This new policy created an urgent, statewide need to both familiarize Michigan educators with national standards for quality online courses, and, perhaps more importantly, to help them develop the capacity to accurately and consistently assess online course quality. “Michigan’s course access legislation required that any online course entered into the catalog be reviewed according to quality standards,” Joe recalled, “and the results of the review be publicly accessible as part of the online course syllabus to better inform parents, learners and schools.”

MVLRI subscribed to and began implementing QM shortly after Michigan became a course access state, a state in which students in middle and high school can take up to two online courses per academic term from a course catalog districts publish. Its research team produces original K-12 online and blended research and develops research-based practical resources for parents, learners and schools. MVU is a non-profit organization specializing in K-12 online and blended learning. It also supports Michigan's Online Course Catalog and the Online Learning Orientation Tool. MVLRI has partnered with iNACOL to manage the Research Clearinghouse for K-12 Blended & Online Learning, a repository of references to research articles and other publications from the field of K-12 online and blended learning. The majority of students have found it too rigorous in the shorter trimester term.The Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute™ (MVLRI™) seeks to expand Michigan’s capacity to support new learning models, engage in active research to inform new policies in online and blended learning and strengthen the state’s infrastructures for sharing best practices. ( It is highly recommended that students only take World Language classes on a semester schedule. You can also access their syllabi for each of their courses by clicking here. Proctoring details and drop-in cneter parameters can be found on our webpage.) Beginning 2022-2023 school year we will return to the proctoring requirement where all students, even those taking classes in partnership with Michigan Virtual are required to have a minimum of two tests proctored. (Proctoring and the drop-in center have been suspended for the 2021-2022 school year so that students can have an option for asynchronous learning. If a student qualifies for an extension, the final decision of whether it will be granted, is at the discretion of the Michigan Virtual instructor. AAPS students who take Michigan Virtual classes will have both an instructor, provided by Michigan Virtual, and a mentor/liaison will be provided by Ann Arbor Public Schools.

Students who choose to take a class through Michigan Virtual should understand that the calendar for the term could differ from that of Ann Arbor Public Schools.